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2012-10-18 06:57| 发布者: aspen| 查看: 15069| 评论: 0|原作者: Jillian|来自: 振动论坛

摘要: 目录 IncludingStartup Options in a Shortcut on Windows Systems SpecifyingStartup Options in the MATLAB Startup File CommonlyUsed Startup Options PassingPerl Variables on Startup Startupand Callin ...
CallingMATLAB from PHP
Submittedby keithc on Mon, 08/23/2010 - 15:26
Iwanted to run a MATLAB command from PHP that would generate afigure, save it to an image file, and display that image in thewebpage. Here is the process I used:
      1. Mostnew MATLAB licenses only allow a single specified user to startthe application at any time. If you want to call MATLAB from thecommand-line from an interface like PHP (that for security reasonsis run as another system user), one way to get around thislicensing issue is to masquerade as the licensed user using sudo:
  1. sudo-H licenseduser command
The-H is necessary for the HOME environment variables to be changedto the target user.
      2. SincePHP won't have a TTY terminal associated with it, you'll have togive the system user that runs PHP/apache the NOPASSWD flag in thesudoers file. Start editing the sudoers file by running
  1. sudovisudo
Thenadd the following line:
  1. apache-userALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/matlab
3. Nowyou should craft your exec() call in PHP. The basic syntax forstarting a MATLAB process in the backgroundis:
  1. /usr/local/bin/matlab-r "command;exit;"
Notethat the "exit;" here is necessary so that the MATLABprocess will quit after processing. To run this from PHP we willuse the following command:
  1. $command= "sudo -H licenseduser /usr/local/bin/matlab -r"command;exit;"
4. Additionally,if you want to be able to save graphics, I found it necessary toprepend the command with:
  1. DISPLAY="";exportDISPLAY;
AndI set the Renderer variable for any Figure objects in MATLAB to"painters" (the default is often opengl, which will notwork for background processes).
Pleasenote that there are security issues in giving sudo privileges toyour apache/webserver user, especially with NOPASSWD.

本文内容由 Jillian 提供




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