今天看了些EMD信号分解方面的东西,matlab官网上有个Hilbert-Huang Transform的代码,代码效率极高啊,人家3句语句就解决了一个大问题,很牛啊!还有一个GRilling的EMD工具箱,好多文件,功能应该相当强大。 这里研究了研究matlab官网的代码,加了些注释、功能演示,效果如下 原始信号由3个正弦信号加噪声组成,如下 下面为做EMD分解的结果 第三次分解信号的瞬时频率如下 第四次分解信号的Hilbert分析 具体代码如下 - <font color="#000000">test.m文件
- clc
- clear all
- close all
- % [x, Fs] = wavread('Hum.wav');
- % Ts = 1/Fs;
- % x = x(1:6000);
- Ts = 0.001;
- Fs = 1/Ts;
- t=0:Ts:1;
- x = sin(2*pi*10*t) + sin(2*pi*50*t) + sin(2*pi*100*t) + 0.1*randn(1, length(t));
- imf = emd(x);
- plot_hht(x,imf,1/Fs);
- k = 4;
- y = imf{k};
- N = length(y);
- t = 0:Ts:Ts*(N-1);
- [yenvelope, yfreq, yh, yangle] = HilbertAnalysis(y, 1/Fs);
- yModulate = y./yenvelope;
- [YMf, f] = FFTAnalysis(yModulate, Ts);
- Yf = FFTAnalysis(y, Ts);
- figure
- subplot(321)
- plot(t, y)
- title(sprintf('IMF%d', k))
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel(sprintf('IMF%d', k));
- subplot(322)
- plot(f, Yf)
- title(sprintf('IMF%d的频谱', k))
- xlabel('f/Hz')
- ylabel('|IMF(f)|');
- subplot(323)
- plot(t, yenvelope)
- title(sprintf('IMF%d的包络', k))
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel('envelope');
- subplot(324)
- plot(t(1:end-1), yfreq)
- title(sprintf('IMF%d的瞬时频率', k))
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel('Frequency/Hz');
- subplot(325)
- plot(t, yModulate)
- title(sprintf('IMF%d的调制信号', k))
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel('modulation');
- subplot(326)
- plot(f, YMf)
- title(sprintf('IMF%d调制信号的频谱', k))
- xlabel('f/Hz')
- ylabel('|YMf(f)|');
- findpeaks.m文件
- function n = findpeaks(x)
- % Find peaks. 找极大值点,返回对应极大值点的坐标
- n = find(diff(diff(x) > 0) < 0); % 相当于找二阶导小于0的点
- u = find(x(n+1) > x(n));
- n(u) = n(u)+1; % 加1才真正对应极大值点
- % 图形解释上述过程
- % figure
- % subplot(611)
- % x = x(1:100);
- % plot(x, '-o')
- % grid on
- %
- % subplot(612)
- % plot(1.5:length(x), diff(x) > 0, '-o')
- % grid on
- % axis([1,length(x),-0.5,1.5])
- %
- % subplot(613)
- % plot(2:length(x)-1, diff(diff(x) > 0), '-o')
- % grid on
- % axis([1,length(x),-1.5,1.5])
- %
- % subplot(614)
- % plot(2:length(x)-1, diff(diff(x) > 0)<0, '-o')
- % grid on
- % axis([1,length(x),-1.5,1.5])
- %
- % n = find(diff(diff(x) > 0) < 0);
- % subplot(615)
- % plot(n, ones(size(n)), 'o')
- % grid on
- % axis([1,length(x),0,2])
- %
- % u = find(x(n+1) > x(n));
- % n(u) = n(u)+1;
- % subplot(616)
- % plot(n, ones(size(n)), 'o')
- % grid on
- % axis([1,length(x),0,2])
- plot_hht.m文件
- function plot_hht(x,imf,Ts)
- % Plot the HHT.
- % :: Syntax
- % The array x is the input signal and Ts is the sampling period.
- % Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread('Hum.wav');
- % plot_hht(x(1:6000),1/Fs);
- % Func : emd
- % imf = emd(x);
- for k = 1:length(imf)
- b(k) = sum(imf{k}.*imf{k});
- th = unwrap(angle(hilbert(imf{k}))); % 相位
- d{k} = diff(th)/Ts/(2*pi); % 瞬时频率
- end
- [u,v] = sort(-b);
- b = 1-b/max(b); % 后面绘图的亮度控制
- % Hilbert瞬时频率图
- N = length(x);
- c = linspace(0,(N-2)*Ts,N-1); % 0:Ts:Ts*(N-2)
- for k = v(1:2) % 显示能量最大的两个IMF的瞬时频率
- figure
- plot(c,d{k});
- xlim([0 c(end)]);
- ylim([0 1/2/Ts]);
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel('Frequency/Hz');
- title(sprintf('IMF%d', k))
- end
- % 显示各IMF
- M = length(imf);
- N = length(x);
- c = linspace(0,(N-1)*Ts,N); % 0:Ts:Ts*(N-1)
- for k1 = 0:4:M-1
- figure
- for k2 = 1:min(4,M-k1)
- subplot(4,2,2*k2-1)
- plot(c,imf{k1+k2})
- set(gca,'FontSize',8,'XLim',[0 c(end)]);
- title(sprintf('第%d个IMF', k1+k2))
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel(sprintf('IMF%d', k1+k2));
- subplot(4,2,2*k2)
- [yf, f] = FFTAnalysis(imf{k1+k2}, Ts);
- plot(f, yf)
- title(sprintf('第%d个IMF的频谱', k1+k2))
- xlabel('f/Hz')
- ylabel('|IMF(f)|');
- end
- end
- figure
- subplot(211)
- plot(c,x)
- set(gca,'FontSize',8,'XLim',[0 c(end)]);
- title('原始信号')
- xlabel('Time/s')
- ylabel('Origin');
- subplot(212)
- [Yf, f] = FFTAnalysis(x, Ts);
- plot(f, Yf)
- title('原始信号的频谱')
- xlabel('f/Hz')
- ylabel('|Y(f)|');
- emd.m文件
- function imf = emd(x)
- % Empiricial Mode Decomposition (Hilbert-Huang Transform)
- % EMD分解或HHT变换
- % 返回值为cell类型,依次为一次IMF、二次IMF、...、最后残差
- x = transpose(x(:));
- imf = [];
- while ~ismonotonic(x)
- x1 = x;
- sd = Inf;
- while (sd > 0.1) || ~isimf(x1)
- s1 = getspline(x1); % 极大值点样条曲线
- s2 = -getspline(-x1); % 极小值点样条曲线
- x2 = x1-(s1+s2)/2;
- sd = sum((x1-x2).^2)/sum(x1.^2);
- x1 = x2;
- end
- imf{end+1} = x1;
- x = x-x1;
- end
- imf{end+1} = x;
- % 是否单调
- function u = ismonotonic(x)
- u1 = length(findpeaks(x))*length(findpeaks(-x));
- if u1 > 0
- u = 0;
- else
- u = 1;
- end
- % 是否IMF分量
- function u = isimf(x)
- N = length(x);
- u1 = sum(x(1:N-1).*x(2:N) < 0); % 过零点的个数
- u2 = length(findpeaks(x))+length(findpeaks(-x)); % 极值点的个数
- if abs(u1-u2) > 1
- u = 0;
- else
- u = 1;
- end
- % 据极大值点构造样条曲线
- function s = getspline(x)
- N = length(x);
- p = findpeaks(x);
- s = spline([0 p N+1],[0 x(p) 0],1:N);
- FFTAnalysis.m文件
- % 频谱分析
- function [Y, f] = FFTAnalysis(y, Ts)
- Fs = 1/Ts;
- L = length(y);
- NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
- y = y - mean(y);
- Y = fft(y, NFFT)/L;
- Y = 2*abs(Y(1:NFFT/2+1));
- f = Fs/2*linspace(0, 1, NFFT/2+1);
- end
- HilbertAnalysis.m文件
- % Hilbert分析
- function [yenvelope, yf, yh, yangle] = HilbertAnalysis(y, Ts)
- yh = hilbert(y);
- yenvelope = abs(yh); % 包络
- yangle = unwrap(angle(yh)); % 相位
- yf = diff(yangle)/2/pi/Ts; % 瞬时频率
- end</font>