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发表于 2005-10-10 09:21
回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年10月8日
<STRONG>续上......</STRONG><BR><BR>======================================================================== <BR>离散几何、组合数学和图论中日会议将在天津、西安召开<BR>Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 12:10:39 +0800 (HKT)
<P>The China-Japan Joint Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory (CJCDGCGT) 2005<BR>November 18-20, Nankai University (Tianjin)<BR>November 22-24, Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an)<BR>http://www.combinatorics.net/conf/CJCDGCGT2005.html</P>
<P>The China-Japan Joint Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory (CJCDGCGT) 2005 is organized by the Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China; Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China and RIED, Tokai University, Japan.</P>
<P>Sponsored by</P>
<P>Nankai University, China<BR>Northwestern Polytechnical University, China<BR>Tokai University, Japan<BR>National Natural Science Foundation of China</P>
<P>Invited Speakers:</P><PRE>Kiyoshi Ando (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Guizhen Liu (Shandong University, China)
Zhiming Ma (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Janos Pach (City College of CUNY; Courant Institute of NYU;
Renyi Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, USA)
Jorge Urrutia (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico)
Lusheng Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Fuji Zhang (Xiamen University, China)
Chuanming Zong (Peking University, China)</PRE>
<P>Conference Office:</P>
<P>Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China</P>
<P>Secretary: Matthew Q. H. Guo<BR>E-mail: guoqh@mail.nankai.edu.cn</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>美国数学会和台湾数学会联合召开的第一届国际会议将在台湾举行<BR>Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 11:52:56 +0800 (HKT)</P>
<P>First Joint International Meeting Between AMS and the Taiwanese Mathematical Society<BR>December 14-18, 2005 Taichung, Taiwan<BR>http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2123_other.html<BR>http://www.math.thu.edu.tw/2005ims/en/index.htm</P>
<P>Invited Addresses</P>
<P>Lawrence Ein, University of Illinois at Chicago<BR>Chang-Shou Lin, National Chung Cheng University<BR>Richard M. Schoen, Stanford University<BR>Jing Yu, National Tsing Hua University<BR>Jiu-Kang Yu, Purdue University</P>
<P>Organized by</P>
<P>Department of Mathematics, TungHai University<BR>The Mathematical Society of Taiwan<BR>American Mathematical Society<BR>National Center for Theoretical Sciences<BR>Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica</P>
<P>The meeting will take place at Tunghai University, 181 Taichung<BR>Harbor Road, Section 3 Tiachung 40704, Taiwan. For more information<BR>about the campus see www.thu.edu.tw/english/enindex.htm.</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>计算数学前沿问题及其在物理科学中的应用高级研讨班将在香港举办<BR>Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 11:52:56 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: "Prof. T. Tang" <ttang@hkbu.edu.hk></P>
<P>The Croucher Foundation - Advanced Study Institute on<BR>Frontiers in Computational Methods and Their Applications in Physical Sciences<BR>December 6 - 13, 2005<BR>The Chinese University of Hong Kong</P>
<P>organized by<BR>Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics,<BR>The Chinese University of Hong Kong</P>
<P>sponsored by<BR>The Croucher Foundation</P>
<P>Organizing Committee (tentative)<BR>Director: Hai-Qing Lin (CUHK)<BR>Sec'y: Pui-Yee Ho (CUHK)<BR>Che-Ting Chan (HKUST)<BR>Zhi-Feng Liu (CUHK)<BR>Chi-Fai Lo (CUHK)<BR>Lei-Han Tang (HKBU)<BR>Fu-Chun Zhang (HKU)<BR>Rui-Qin Zhang (CityU)</P>
<P>Invited Lecturers (tentative)<BR>Roberto Car, Princeton Univ.<BR>David M. Ceperley, Univ. of Illinois<BR>James E. Gubernatis, LANL<BR>David P. Landau, Univ. of Georgia<BR>Steven G. Louie, UC Berkeley<BR>Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, Tsinghua Univ.</P>
<P>Associate Lecturers (tentative)<BR>C. T. Chan, Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.<BR>G. H. Chen, Univ. of Hong Kong<BR>J. M. Dong, Nanjing Univ.<BR>Yong Duan, UC Davis<BR>X. G. Gong, Fudan Univ.<BR>Luhua Lai, Peking Univ.<BR>T. K. Lee,, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica<BR>P. W. Leung, Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. H. Q. Lin, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong<BR>Z. F. Liu, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong<BR>Gerardo Ortiz, Los Alamos National Lab.<BR>A. W. Sandvik, Boston Univ.<BR>L. H. Tang, Hong Kong Baptist Univ.<BR>John Tse, National Research Council, Canada<BR>D. S. Wang, Institute of Physics, CAS<BR>Enge Wang, Institute of Physics, CAS<BR>J. Wang, Univ. of Hong Kong<BR>J. S. Wang, National Singapore Univ.<BR>X. C. Zeng, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln<BR>B. Zheng, Zhejiang Univ.</P>
<P>Tutorial Courses<BR>In connection with the ASI, the Physics Department of CUHK will also sponsor one regular course and two tutorial courses, to provide some background for ASI students.</P>
<P>Advanced Computational Physics:<BR>Lecturer: H. Q. Lin<BR>Date: Sept. 5 - Dec. 3, 2005. Regular lecture course. Introduction to ab initio Methods:<BR>Lecturers (Tentative): X. G. Gong, John Tse, Z. F. Liu, J. Wang<BR>Date: Nov. 14 - 25, 2005. 12 hours. Introduction to Computational Bioscience:<BR>Lecturers (Tentative): Y. Duan, E. G. Wang, Luhua Lai, G. H. Chen<BR>Date: Nov. 26 - Dec. 6, 2005. 10-12 hours.</P>
<P>Mission: To review recent advances in computational physics by emphasizing the impact that new developments in large scale numerical computation have significantly enhanced our comprehension of the physical nature of materials as well as our capability in designing new materials.</P>
<P>To conduct in-depth discussions on selected state-of-the-art methods for solving important numerical problems in statistical and materials physics.</P>
<P>To facilitate a brain-storming forum for the generation of ideas on novel methods and new applications.</P>
<P>Structure: Six morning 3-hour lectures and presentations/discussions in five afternoons. The working language is English.</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>国家科学数字图书馆项目中心资助的建设项目: 数理学科信息门户网站<BR>Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 17:49:10 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: "Prof. T. Tang" <ttang@hkbu.edu.hk></P>
<P>资源内容的语种:收集中文和英文方面的数理学科信息资源。 覆盖数理学科核心主题:主题范围包括覆盖数学、物理学及其相关领域的信息资<BR>源,即数学主题分类表和国际物理学主题分类表(见帮助中的物理分类表和数学<BR>分类表)中涵盖的核心主题。物理分类采用《国际物理学分类法》,它是国际上<BR>权威的英国"INSPEC"和德国的"Physics Briefs"两个物理学文献数据库所采用的<BR>分类体系。包含了物理学各分支、物理学在各个工程技术领域的应用学科,还包<BR>含了物理学交叉学科、新技术与物理学的相关关系等内容;数学分类采用《美国<BR>评论》和《德国数学文摘》采用的《数学主题分类表》:包含了数学各个基础分<BR>支学科,其交叉学科类目涉及物理学的多个分支、生物学、力学、天文学和计算<BR>机科学等,还涉及到对策论、经济、社会科学和行为科学等社会经济层面。 资源类型:包括数据库(书目数据库;文献数据库;科技产品库;其他)、软件、<BR>期刊、图书、专利、图书馆、新闻、讨论组、会议、就业、学会与组织、研究单<BR>位、大学院系、公司、搜索引擎、参考信息源(包括:手册;标准;物理或数学<BR>常数;物理或数学教学资料;其他)、多媒体等。 资源覆盖的地理区域:覆盖国内和国外的数理学科信息资源。 资源提供者对象范围:采集大学、政府、非赢利机构、研究机构、学术团体和协<BR>会、企业、出版社、图书馆等提供的信息资源。大学的数学系、物理系及其与数<BR>理学科相关的系,也是被选择的对象。</P>
<P>考虑资源的有效性,如:信息资源是否阐述清楚?信息资源的研究价值?是否有<BR>参考文献和参考书目?是否有信息来源?信息资源是否是印刷版的书/报纸的电子<BR>版?信息资源是否能被有效链接?信息资源是否有其他格式? 信息提供者的权威性和声誉:主要关注如下问题:所采集的网站(页)的主办者<BR>是否为有声誉的大学、物理或数学学会/协会、实验室?网站是否通过权威评价<BR>机构评价过?所选的站点是否被多个internet站点链接?网站是由某公司、机构<BR>还是某领域的著名的权威或专家赞助?信息是否经过过滤?信息是否经同行评<BR>议过?资源是否由相关的权威推荐?是否有与权威机构的页面的共同链接?出<BR>版社是否知名和有声望?出版社是否是公认的出版界的权威?出版社是否是大<BR>学的出版社?</P>
<P>联系方式:<BR>中国科学院文献情报中心情报研究部<BR>地 址:北京中关村北四环西路33号<BR>电 话:(8610)82629178 ,82629046<BR>传 真:(8610)82626600<BR>E_MAIL:webmaster@mail.las.ac.cn<BR>tanzy@mail.las.ac.cn</P> |